It can predict how much fish 🐟 the Cat 🐱 will eat.

Example Code

import numpy as np

class RecurrentLinearLayer:
    def __init__(self, lr, c_w, b, p_w):
        self.lr = lr
        self.c_w = c_w
        self.p_w = p_w
        self.b = b

    def forward(self, c_x, p_x):
        self.c_x = c_x
        self.p_x = p_x

        return np.dot(self.c_x, self.c_w) + np.dot(self.p_x, self.p_w) + self.b

    def backward(self, prev_d_x):
        # Partial derivative with respect to "x"
        d_c_x = np.dot(prev_d_x, self.c_w.T)
        d_p_x = np.dot(prev_d_x, self.p_w.T)
        # Partial derivative with respect to "w"
        d_c_w = np.dot(self.c_x.T, prev_d_x)
        d_p_w = np.dot(self.p_x.T, prev_d_x)
        # Partial derivative with respect to "b"
        d_b = np.sum(prev_d_x, axis=0)

        self.c_w -= self.lr * d_c_w
        self.p_w -= self.lr * d_p_w
        self.b -= self.lr * d_b

        return d_c_x, d_p_x

class LinearLayer:
    def __init__(self, lr, c_w, b):
        self.lr = lr
        self.c_w = c_w
        self.b = b

    def forward(self, c_x):
        self.c_x = c_x

        return np.dot(self.c_x, self.c_w) + self.b

    def backward(self, prev_d_x):
        # Partial derivative with respect to "x"
        d_c_x = np.dot(prev_d_x, self.c_w.T)
        # Partial derivative with respect to "w"
        d_c_w = np.dot(self.c_x.T, prev_d_x)
        # Partial derivative with respect to "b"
        d_b = np.sum(prev_d_x, axis=0)

        self.c_w -= self.lr * d_c_w
        self.b -= self.lr * d_b

        return d_c_x

class ReLULayer:
    def forward(self, x):
        self.x = x
        return np.maximum(0, x)

    def backward(self, prev_d_x):
        return prev_d_x * (self.x > 0)

class LossLayer:
    def forward(self, x, y):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        return np.mean((self.x - self.y) ** 2)

    def backward(self):
        return 2 * (self.x - self.y)

epochs = 100
lr = 0.01

i_size = 1
h_size = 2

timeline = [
    np.array([0.25]),  # Day 1 eating value
    np.array([0.50]),  # Day 2 eating value
    np.array([0.75]),  # Day 3 eating value
    np.array([1.00]),  # Day 4 eating value

y = np.array([1.25])  # Day 5 eating value

recurrent_linear_layer = RecurrentLinearLayer(
    np.random.randn(i_size, h_size),
    np.random.randn(h_size, h_size)
linear_layer = LinearLayer(
    np.random.randn(h_size, i_size),
relu_layer = ReLULayer()
loss_layer = LossLayer()

p_x = np.full((i_size, h_size), 0, dtype=np.float64)

for epoch in range(epochs):
    for t in timeline:
        x1 = recurrent_linear_layer.forward(t, p_x)
        x2 = relu_layer.forward(x1)
        p_x = x2

    x3 = linear_layer.forward(x2)

    l1 = loss_layer.forward(x3, y)

    # loss

    # prediction

    d1 = loss_layer.backward()
    d2 = linear_layer.backward(d1)
    d3 = relu_layer.backward(d2)
    d4 = recurrent_linear_layer.backward(d3)


We use input data that the feature table of the Cat 🐱 and the Pot 🍯.

We use input data that captures the timeline of the amount of fish 🐟 consumed by the Cat 🐱.

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
Eating 🐟 🐟🐟 🐟🐟🐟 🐟🐟🐟🐟 🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟
timeline = [
    np.array([0.25]),  # Day 1 eating value
    np.array([0.50]),  # Day 2 eating value
    np.array([0.75]),  # Day 3 eating value
    np.array([1.00]),  # Day 4 eating value

Specify the amount of fish the Cat 🐱 will consume on the next day.

y = np.array([1.25])  # Day 5 eating value

So, how do we predict the correct answer from the input data?

We will use weights and biases. RNN unlike regular neural networks, use previous calculations to make predictions.

def forward(self, c_x, p_x):
    self.c_x = c_x
    self.p_x = p_x

    return np.dot(self.c_x, self.c_w) + np.dot(self.p_x, self.p_w) + self.b

It is defined by random values.

recurrent_linear_layer = RecurrentLinearLayer(
    np.random.randn(i_size, h_size),
    np.random.randn(h_size, h_size)

Additionally, the input data needs to be activated.

def forward(self, x):
    self.x = x
    return np.maximum(0, x)

So, we calculate the difference between the input data multiplied by the weights and added biases, and the one-hot encoded answer.

def forward(self, x, y):
    self.x = x
    self.y = y
    return np.mean((self.x - self.y) ** 2)